Brabant Boven middeleeuws reenactment

Français : Pas encore prêt

Deutsch: Noch nicht fertig

Frequently asked questions:

Brabant BovenHere you can find a list of frequently asked questions and their answers. If you would like to know more, you can always contact us at or through the contact page.

I would like to re-enact but I do not want to fight. Is that possible?

Of course. Everyone is welcome to join. The only thing that we ask is that you decide which character you would like to play and that you - with our help - conduct research into him or her. Whether you choose to be a knight, a soldier, a nobleman, a baker, a beggar...It doesn't matter. We do expect, however, that you perform your character as good as you can and as historically correct as possible. For example, if you would like to be a baker, we will try and find out how bread was made in the Middle Ages.

We would love to have a jester in our group (careful! This is not an easy character!). They were the first counterintelligence officers. Fighting is actually only a very small part of re-enactment: we care more about history itself. The fighting serves to get the public's attention so that we can tell them more about the Middle Ages.

Can I join even though I do not own any equipment, weapons or clothing?

That is no problem. If you would like to learn how to fight, you will be able to use our spare weapons at first. After a while, if you are completely convinced that this is what you would like to do, we'll search GRADUALLY for the perfect clothing, weapons and equipment for your character. The last thing we want is you buying things in the spur of the moment.

Furthermore, some of our clothing (of the prince, princess, and one of the female bodyguards) is handmade by one of our not-fighting-behind-the-scenes members. This means that we can decide the look entirely. This, of course, will take some time, however.

Are your weapons real or made of synthetic material?

We only use weapons made of steel, which were made by black smiths. We do not use wooden or corrosion resistant weapons because these break easily. And we want to avoid bits and pieces flying around.

Isn't sword fighting very dangerous?

If you do as your trainer instructs, and if you train regularly, it isn't dangerous. Naturally, we start out slowly and carefully. It will take at least six months before you will fight at a decent speed. Yet, attention and practice will always remain crucial! We also focus intensely on stopping a swing mid-air if the opponent doesn't react fast enough.

What if I want to choose a character from outside Europe?

No problem at all. As long as your character is historically correct (so no Native American for example, as America had not yet been "discovered"), you can choose anyone you like. It is important, however, that your choice will determine the relationship with the other characters. If you would like to play an Ottoman or a Moor, you would (while being in character) get into a fight with the crusader. Such things might create a wonderful dynamic between our different characters.

If you fight all the time while in character, doesn't that affect your daily lives?

No. There's a huge difference between your character and who you are in your everyday life. In real life, we are all great friends; in game, this might differ a lot. Your character can even be completely opposite as to who you are in reality. Playing a strictly religious crusader does not mean that you have to be believe in God in real life or the other way around. That's part of what makes re-enactment fun.

I am a member of another re-enactment group. Can I still join you?

Of course. We do not claim exclusive rights. Your spare time is yours entirely. The only thing that we ask is that when we perform in group, you join us and not the other group. If we visit an event, or if we go to a camp, or if you have something else to do (like family responsibilities), we do not mind at all. Do notify us of your absence some time before visits or camps, however.

Can I join even if I do not know which character to pick?

Yes, no problem. On the contrary, even. Get submerged into the medieval atmosphere, do some research, and you will find out automatically which aspects interest you more. Then the group will help you to find a historical or fictional character that suits you.

Disclaimer: We zijn enkel eigenaar van de fotos van onze eigen groep. Andere foto’s ter illustratie van teksten hebben we verkregen van andere websites. Indien de eigenaar wenst dat we bepaalde foto’s verwijderen volstaat het om ons daarover een mail te sturen. Het wapenschild van de groep is fictief en louter illustratief. We hebben het ontworpen hoe het had kunnen zijn als er een huwelijk was geweest door Franse en Brabantse adel.
 We hebben officiële toestemming van Prince Jean de France, Hertog van Vendôme, Dauphin van Frankrijk om zijn wapenschild te dragen, de geschiedenis van de Dauphins uit te leggen en de banden tussen het Franse en Belgische Koningshuis te benadrukken

We only own the pictures of our own group. The other pictures serve as illustration for the text and were found on other websites. If the owner wishes that we remove certain pictures, he or she can contact us by sending us an email. The coat of arms of the group is fictitious and purely illustrative. We designed it the way it could have been if there had been a marriage between French and Brabantian nobility.
We have the official permission of Prince Jean de France, Duke of Vendôme, Dauphin of France, to carry his coat of arms, to explain the history of the Dauphins and to emphasise the ties between the French and Belgian royal houses.
