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The members:
Brabant Boven is a new Medieval re-enactment group. Our story is situated in the year 1453. Constantinople has only recently fallen. Crusaders need money to defend Europe against the Muslims. The French crown prince has fled from his father to Brabant. Within the group, we use titles to indicate someone’s level (like the belts in martial arts). They have –apart from their names – nothing to do with the historical titles: novice – page – squire/shieldmaiden – sergeant – knight Members: Dauphin Louis, the future Louis XI – Princess Charlotte of Savoy – Pierre d’Aubusson – Guinivere – Baroness de Bocsozel – Jean de Lescun – Prince Charles, the future Charles VII - Joanna Beaton – Guillaume Armuet – Jonas – Jethro – Debbie
Dauphin Louis, future Louis XI
I am Louis of Valois, crown prince of France and ruler of the French province the Dauphiné. That’s why I’m called Le Dauphin. I was born on the 3th of July in 1423, at the castle of Plessis-lès-Tours. As I often did not agree with my father, the French king Charles VII, or more precisely, with his court, I led a rebellion with some other noblemen in 1440. Unfortunately, the rebellion did not succeed. Between 1446 and 1456, I made myself popular with the middle classes by restructuring the Dauphiné. My father, however, did not appreciate my efforts. He sent an army after me, which forced me to flee to my father’s rival in Flanders, Philip the Good. My new-born son died there and was buried at Halle. In 1461, I became Louis XI, King of France. I believed strongly in a centralized government, which led to conflicts with many noblemen, among which the son of my former protector Philip the Good, Charles the Bold. Through my political games, I was able make the power of the French monarchy absolute, and the country was united during my reign. This, of course, did not make me very popular in the eyes of the nobility, which explains my bad reputation in history books. Nevertheless, it was thanks to me that the French economy prospered and France expanded. I died in 1483. (Up to here, the tale is historically correct )
At the moment, anno 1453 – 1454, I’m visiting Philip the Good at the Keizerberg Castle in Leuven. My second wife, Charlotte of Savoy and some members of the court have accompanied us to Brabant. I’m fill my days discussing my father’s politics with the Duke, trying to get his support. Unexpectedly, I also encountered an old army friend, Pierre D’Aubusson. (locations are real, presence in Brabant is historically correct, and the meeting is thus plausible)
(We have the official permission of Prince Jean de France, Duke of Vendôme, Dauphin of France to carry his coat of arms, to explain the history of the Dauphins and to emphasise the ties between the French and Belgian monarchies. ) TOP
Charlotte de Savoie
II am Charlotte of Savoy. I was born on 11 November 1441. My father was Duke Louis of Savoy and my mother was Anne de Lusigan, Princess of Cyprus. When I was only 10 years old, I married the Dauphin of France. We did not even have the permission of his father, King Charles VII. Our marriage would be one of the many reasons why my husband and his father did not get along. Louis and I had 8 children, but, unfortunately, 5 of them died before turning 3. My second son, Joachim, died 4 months after his birth and was buried in Halle.
When my husband fled from his father to Burgundy, I followed him. When I became queen, I lived far away from Louis; at the Castle of Amboise. I did no longer see my husband often in those days. Instead, I focussed on charity and read many books. I died on 1 December 1483, only three months after the dead of my husband.
SOURCES: thefreelancehistorywriter.com/2014/01/03/charlotte-of-savoy-queen-of-france/ TOP
Pierre d’Aubusson
I am Pierre d’Aubusson, born in 1423 in Le-Monteil-au-Vicomte. Being the fifth son, I was not entitled to a heritage, but neither did I feel like becoming a priest of bishop like my other brothers. As I could only choose between a religious and a military career, I chose the second one and went to join the battle against the Ottomans. After being the squire of Emperor Sigismund of the Holy Roman Empire, I had a reputation for battle skills and eagerness to learn. For a while, I was part of the army of the French king, Charles VII and his son the Dauphin (the future Louis XI). I became a knight as a reward for my bravery and strategy during the battle at Manterau-faut-Yvonne in Switzerland. Afterwards, in 1445, I joined the Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem, better known as the knights Hospitaller, to defend Rhodes against the Ottoman Empire. I made name for myself and eventually was elected Grand Master of the Order. In 1480 at age 57, I defended Rhodes bravely by sword; even though I sustained three serious injuries, I would not back down. In 1486, I was named Cardinal for having guarded Cem (Djem), an Ottoman prince. I died in 1503, in Rhodes, aged 80.
At the moment, anno 1453-1454, I am on my way from Rhodes to France to ask the French king for money to defend the Christian world. (Up to here, the story is historically correct) On my journey, I visit several commandries of the Order, among which the one at the Keizersberg in Leuven and the one in Walsbergen (Wommersom – Tienen). Both of them depended on the priory of Chantraine and the great-priory France. This is where I unexpectedly meet the Dauphin of France, my former commander. (Locations are real, presence is historically possible but not proven. However, d’Aubusson did meet with Charles VII in 1456 to ask for money for the defence of Rhodes.) TOP
I am Guinivere. I do not know my last name because I am an orphan, raised by the Order of the Blessed Virgin Mary also known as Ordo Militiae Maria Gloriosa. This order was a military order in Lombardy, north of Italy. In the Order, women were allowed to fight just as well as men. They could even become female knights, also known as Equitessa or Militissa.
Although the Order expected the customary vows of obedience of Augustinian orders, we were allowed to marry (which was also allowed in several other orders such as the Order of Santiago and the Militia of Jesus Christ). Our task was the local defence of the faith. As we had to supress small rebellions, we were only allowed to carry defensive weapons. That’s why I trained primarily with daggers.
Being allowed to marry and party, people liked to call us Frati Gaudenti, a rude name meaning “partying monks”. And indeed, some of us were not too concerned with upholding the values of knighthood. Even Dante Alighieri mentioned the Order in his famous book La Divina Commedia. In the story, we even got our own place in the 8th circle of hell because of our excesses.
Due to these excesses and the hypocrisy, I started to hate the Order and the Church. Having protested too much, I soon had to flee to Genève and then to the Dauphiné in France as things turned dangerous. The Dauphin soon noticed my talent with the taggers and hired me to protect his princess. And that’s what I’ve been doing wholeheartedly these past few years. No man, no faith, no one will harm Princess Charlotte. I will take care of that! Woe betide the man who underestimates an armed woman! Furthermore, I’m also the wet nurse for the Dauphin’s son, the future Charles VIII. A wet nurse is a woman who takes care of a child and – if necessary – breast feeds it.
SOURCE: fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ordre_des_Chevaliers_de_la_Mère_de_Dieu
(This character is entirely fictive. The Order, however, is historical. She was established in 1261 and approved by Pope Alexander IV or Urban IV. She was suppressed in 1559.) TOP.
Barones de Bocsozel
My name is Marie of Bocsozel and I am the daughter of an ancient noble family in the Dauphiné. I am married to Pierre II (the younger one) Terreil of Bayard Castle. Both our families are fervent supporters of the Dauphin. Because of this, my husband is allowed to fight next to the Prince. He will die at the Dauphin’s feet during the Battle of Montlhéry on 16 July 1465.
Together, we had 4 children: Aimon, Jean II, Marguerite, and Antoinette. Aimon’s son, Pierre III, will become a great warrior and commander (le chevalier sans peur et sans reproche).
At the moment, I am visiting the Dauphin to ask for support after my husband’s death. Such support could either be financial or military, as I need soldiers and commanders to defend my castle. Even though I will not fight on a battlefield, seeing that I’m a baroness, I thought myself how to use daggers in case I needed to defend myself.
Remark: The story above is the historical version. In our re-enactment group, we pretend that the meeting and entering into service happened around 1453. We know this is an anachronism of about 12 years, but we believe that this can be justified by the dynamics it creates for our group. TOP
Jean de Lescun
I am Jean de Lescun, the bastard son of Arnaud Guillaume de Lescun (bishop of Aire-sur-l’Adour) and Anne of Armagnac (Countess of Dreux). My mother’s family was held in high regards by the crown prince. They had played an important role during the Hundred’s Years War. My grandfather, Bernard VII of Armagnac was even allowed to govern the Dauphiné when King Charles VII was still the crown prince. In the 20th century, one of my mother’s descendants would be known as Diana, Princess of Wales.
I spent my entire life in the service of the crown prince (and future king) Louis. Because of this, I was named seneschal of Valentinois and marshal of the Dauphiné in 1450.
Later, I would become governor of the Dauphiné when the crown prince had to flee to Burgondy (1457-1463 and 1472-1473). On 3 October 1463, I, royal advisor and chamberlain, was named marshal of France and officer of the court by King Louis XI. As soon as I was recognised by my father in 1463, the king returned my title to me: Count/Earl of Comminges. My grandmother had given this title to the kingdom in 1453. Out of gratitude for my dedication, I was also named Governor of Guyenne.
In 1469, I was one of the first knights in the Order of Saint Michael (founded by the king that very same year). I died on 28 August 1473.
Remark: Although his presence in Brabant is not historically proven, it is highly probably as he was one of the confidants of the Dauphin.
Sources: fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean_de_Lescun and en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anne_of_Armagnac
Joanna Beaton
My name is Joanna Beaton, born on June 13, 1427. My kindred is also known as MacBeth (Scottish) or Meic-Bethad (Gaelic) and arrived in Scotland in the 14th century from Ireland. They spread all over the country, resulting in two different branches: one on the mainland and one on the islands. I belong to the first branch, and more precisely, to the family living at Hustabost, Skye.
My kindred is known as a medical kindred, who served the royal families and Lords of the Isles for no less than 5 centuries. As a woman, I was not able to follow in my father’s footsteps, but he taught me the tricks of the trade nonetheless. When Princess Margaret was given in marriage to the crown prince of France, the court thought it wise to send a female healer with her. Due to this position, I was always near the princess, so I was thought how to fight with daggers to defend my princess. You never know. Unfortunately, my princess died early. After her death, I remained at the court of the Dauphin. In 1446, the relationship with his father being quite tense, the prince was exiled to the Dauphiné. In 1451, the court stayed briefly with Guillaume Armuet, the future lord of castle Bon Repos near Grenoble. We fell in love at once. Guillaume followed the court to Brabant, where we are the guests of Philip the Good, Duke of Burgundy.
Later, Guillaume and I went back to the Dauphiné, where he could build his castle because of the support of the Dauphin. In 1494, aged 67, I died, together with Guillaume.
Remark: This character is entirely fictive. The story of the Beaton kindred, however, is historically correct. Guillaume Armuet was indeed an ally of the Dauphin and the founder of Bon Repos Castle. The love story on the other hand is entirely made up, as is his presence in Brabant.
Sources: John Bannerman. 2015. The Beatons: A medical kindred in the classical Gaelic tradition. Birlinn ltd.
Guillaume Armuet
I am Guillaume Armuet, a nobleman from the Dauphiné who supports the Dauphin, the future Louis XI. After my father’s death, I, being the oldest son, suddenly found myself at the head of a family at a young age. I felt it was important to be part of the community for which I was responsible, so I developed an interest in various trades. At the moment, I am passionate about metallurgy and I am creating my own chain mail.
In 1451, the Dauphin paid me a short visit, during which I fell in love with a healer of the princess, Joanna Beaton. When Charles VII’s army reached the Dauphiné in 1456, my family provided the horse on which the Dauphin was able to flee. I abandoned my property and followed the court to Brabant.
At the moment, we are visiting Philip the Good, Duke of Burgundy in Leuven. Even though not a lot is known about me, my castle in Jarrie, near Grenoble, Bon Repos, has survived the centuries. It is highly likely that I was able to build this castle because of the support of the Dauphin. He is also the one who granted me a title and two of his estates (Vizille and l’Oisans). After a long and happy life, Joanna and I died in 1494.
Remark: Although Guillaume existed, almost nothing is known about his life, apart from his relationship with the Dauphin and the foundation of his castle. Therefore, we decide to fill in the missing parts. The love story with Joanna Beaton is entirely made up, as is his presence in Brabant.
Sources: Clé de Voûte, journal du Château de Bon Repos
Disclaimer: We zijn enkel eigenaar van de fotos van onze eigen groep. Andere foto’s ter illustratie van teksten hebben we verkregen van andere websites. Indien de eigenaar wenst dat we bepaalde foto’s verwijderen volstaat het om ons daarover een mail te sturen. Het wapenschild van de groep is fictief en louter illustratief. We hebben het ontworpen hoe het had kunnen zijn als er een huwelijk was geweest door Franse en Brabantse adel. We hebben officiële toestemming van Prince Jean de France, Hertog van Vendôme, Dauphin van Frankrijk om zijn wapenschild te dragen, de geschiedenis van de Dauphins uit te leggen en de banden tussen het Franse en Belgische Koningshuis te benadrukken
We only own the pictures of our own group. The other pictures serve as illustration for the text and were found on other websites. If the owner wishes that we remove certain pictures, he or she can contact us by sending us an email. The coat of arms of the group is fictitious and purely illustrative. We designed it the way it could have been if there had been a marriage between French and Brabantian nobility. We have the official permission of Prince Jean de France, Duke of Vendôme, Dauphin of France, to carry his coat of arms, to explain the history of the Dauphins and to emphasise the ties between the French and Belgian royal houses.